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Send your attack teams in Atlantica to kill the one enemy gate in Ghost Town, the enemy gate is located at the north part of Ghost Town, over the wooden bridge, also send your Defense

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সৃষ্টি: 18/05/2010 05:08
আপডেট: 08/12/2010 04:17
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aass :: Ghost Ship Strategy about

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif প্রবন্ধ: Spears and Gunners in Atlantica - 13/07/2010 07:03

Following there is the information for Spears and Gunners which is a useful early build in Atlantica. Reading it right now.

Spearmen are a useful class(Atlantica Gold) in the early levels for bringing high amounts of damage into the enemy's back ranks. You'd better to maximize the damage penetration abilities of your party, if you're going to use a Spearman to combine them with Gunners or more Spearmen. This can actually be a very powerful party arrangement in the early game of Atlantica Online. It is sometimes possible in early PvP battles with this formation to cut all the way back into the third rank of an opponent's party as soon as the 2nd or 3rd round of a PvP battle with such a build.

Maybe some players are wonder that whether the Spearman useful in other party formations. While in the long run, there are quite a few mercenaries which outclass Spearmen, even in the middle levels(Atlantica powerleveling), so you'd better not using them once these other mercenaries become available. And while the class is useful for formation builds which make use of a large number of Gunners and Spears, this may be the Spearman's only value, in the long run.

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif প্রবন্ধ: Atlantica Guide: Calliope - 19/09/2010 05:38

Here is the information for Calliope in Atlantica, have a look.

- Holy Knight: Revelation: Honor x 500
- Assassin: Revelation: Death x 500
- Priest: Revelation: Chastity x 500
- Alchemist: Revelation: Truth x 500
- Bard: Revelation: Luck x 500
- Potion Addict: Use Healing Potion [Low] x 1000
- Smelling Fishy: Mackerel Pike x 1000
- Hand of God: Enhance any item to [10] Grade
- Monster Expert: Share Monster Info x 100
- Berserker: Win a Battle with Power Up x 100
- Greedy: Mercenary's Steel Box x 100
- Strategist: Victory with more than 2 Mercenaries in unavailable status x 1000
- Destroyer: Dismantle Destroyer's Sword x 500
- Energizer: Use Eel x 500

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif প্রবন্ধ: Perfect update Atlantica strong debut in the first 9 - 08/12/2010 04:17

As the "king of the world on the eve of Troy" updated version of the perfect, Atlantica Online Gold epic piece of information, Atlantica Trojan War will also be gradually lifted the veil of mystery for the majority of players a whole new era of interpretation.

Titan League, is the pursuit of honor and every strong place to enjoy the ultimate victory. When you're in the top of the world, overlooking the entire continent of Atlantis, what a proud and comfortable it! Troy system, new game mode, adds a new dimension to the taste of your gaming experience. If you can devise strategies, winning thousands of miles away it? Do not worry, everything will right the master of your control. Housing system, a fall, Atlantica own world.

Here, you can warm because of the fierce fighting in the physical and mental fatigue. Similarly, you can have your own piece of the sky only. And all of this, there will always be your most loyal partner - with accompanying spending mercenary. Now, you will have two new partners to join. Hwarang Kim Yu-sin, whether or musician Paganini Atlantis you can bring a different kind of gaming experience journey.

Atlantica strong No. 9 debut! Hwarang Kim Yu-sin, you can reduce the use of magic mercenary instruments of physical attacks on each other, and seal magic skills to enhance the remote mercenary army attack and batter each turn rate is a very capable and the mercenaries.

And to sacrifice themselves in times of crisis, a substantial increase in all the Allied attack. Musicians Paganini, in Detroit to learn electric guitar mercenary musician, playing and skills to achieve a superb level. She can destroy the enemy mercenaries saw the physical attack, magic seal, subject to a variety of magic to lift us, but also the other side of a mercenary asleep.

A dream not far away, "King World Trojan War" will be with you Zero! "King World" the latest piece of information,N Atlantica Gold "Troy Eve" last step updates the weight of the new A-class debut druid mercenaries. Druid will break the pattern of the game in the current formation of an important role in the Druid's debut marks the players in PVP and PVE tactics when major changes will occur.

 No, more than that, "King World" revolutionary piece of information, "the Trojan War" is also coming soon, in the "Trojan War," in what will be the new companion, a new unknown enemy and wait for the new Warrior of Atlantis us? Let us look forward to!

Round the world's first 3D online games strategy, Atlantica" to achieve the consistency of the virtual and the real world, the game is not only built a game based on the reality map of the territory, Atlantica Online Goldbut also to use its fine 3D picture, the world heritage of many countries and civilizations give a complete representation.

Background to the game as the starting point of civilization of Atlantis, covering all the world civilization and wonders, and joined a number of myths, the perfect combination of reality and fantasy!